This outlines all of the tables and rows currently associated with CABIE.
The tables which are designated as buildserver tables are
required for the correct operation of CABIE. Those denoted as
smoketest are used by defined smoketest jobs which are
currently quite custom and are not distributed with CABIE. The tables are
there however and may be used for custom applications.
The commands used by CABIE to populate or manipulate tables are also
supplied along with the summary descriptions at the head of each table. '<'
denotes the command as input to CABIE, '>' denotes the command as
output to CABIE
smoketest: Maybe used for semaphore operations on active smoketest deployments. Currently used to determine string substitution in the imagereference for the next active OS image to be deployed.
Table activetestimage Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
server the smoketests will be executed from, does not need to be the same as deployserver |
deployserver |
varchar(30) |
the name of the target server for installation or deployment |
imagename |
varchar(64) |
the name of the raw OS image deployed onto the smoketest server |
title |
varchar(30) |
the name or title of the individual smoketest |
buildserver |
varchar(30) |
the name of the buildserver where the build job originated |
jobname |
varchar(30) |
the name of the build job as found on the buildserver |
job |
varchar(30) |
the unique ID of the job as found on the buildserver |
installimage |
varchar(30) |
the name of the image to be installed on the raw OS image |
imagereference |
varchar(30) |
the name of a configuration file which may be used to deploy the raw OS image |
buildserver: Used for adding or removing machines from an authorized list providing additional commands.
Associated buildserver commands:
< authorize
< unauthorize
> authorized
Table authtable Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the buildserver for which authorization is requested |
machine |
varchar(128) |
the name or ip address of the machine to be authorized by the buildserver |
buildserver: Initialized by starting the buildserver (buildserver -s port -m port -d).
Associated buildserver commands:
> servers
> sysinfo
< shutdown
Table buildservers Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the machine the buildserver is running on |
description |
blob |
a description of the sw/hw the buildserver is running on ala uname -s |
port |
int(6) |
the port number the build server is listening on |
status |
int(1) |
the current state of the buildserver (0 or 1) |
globalmail |
varchar(64) |
whether or not to deliver global email for all failed builds |
buildserver: Populated by the the build command upon the completion of a build job.
Associated buildserver commands:
< build
< notify
> changes
> changed
Table changes Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the machine the buildserver is running on |
title |
varchar(30) |
the name of the build job running on the buildserver |
job |
varchar(25) |
the unique ID of the job titled <title> completed on the buildserver |
changes |
blob |
each entry identifies the change made for <job> on <server> for <title> |
buildserver: Populated by createjob initially. Contains charastics for each job defined on the buildserver.
Associated buildserver commands:
< createjob
< clone
> describe
Table configuration Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the buildserver the build job is defined to run on |
title |
varchar(30) |
the title of the build job running on the buildserver |
port |
varchar(64) |
the port associated with the CM system where the source for the build job is to be found |
client |
blob |
the client name (perforce) or modules (CVS) that are to be accessed for the build job |
top |
varchar(255) |
the top level directory name where the source for the build job will reside |
type |
varchar(255) |
the type of build job - retail, debug, or both (literally) |
toolsdir |
blob |
the path used to locate the tools used for the build job |
isimake |
varchar(4) |
unused, set to no |
keeplevel |
int(4) |
used to determine the number of completed jobs to save before removal |
comment |
blob |
used for the description of a build job |
sccs |
varchar(16) |
used to determine the CM system used for the build job (cvs or perforce) |
browserlink |
blob |
used to generate a browserlink to the appropriate CM tool, currently tested with CVSWEB and P4Web |
state |
int(2) |
used to determine whether or not the build job is accessable (0 = visible, 1 = not visible) |
spam |
int(1) |
used to determine whether or not to send spam on broken builds to globally defined group (in |
buildsize |
bigint(64) |
used to determine how much diskspace a build job requires for completion |
buildserver: Populated by build command. Contains current state of a running build
Associated buildserver commands:
> jobstate
> joblog
Table joblog Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the buildserver the build job is defined on |
title |
varchar(30) |
the title of the build job running on the buildserver |
message |
varchar(255) |
a message describing the current step in a build while running (must have (retail) or (debug) in the string) |
step |
int(2) |
the step which corrleates with the genweb interface used to determine the color supplied as the background |
buildserver: Populated by build command. Collects data from all jobs active on the buildserver
Associated buildserver commands:
> runstats
> genweb
> xmldump
Table jobs Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the buildserver the build job is defined on |
title |
varchar(30) |
the title of the build job as defined on the buildserver |
job |
varchar(25) |
the unique id of the build job completed running on the buildserver |
start |
int(15) |
the start time of the build job completed on the buildserver in unix format $os->_get_time()) |
end |
int(15) |
the completion time of the build job completed on the buildserver in unix format $os->_get_time()) |
status |
int(2) |
the completion status for the completed job on the buildserver (0 = untested, 1 = failed build, 2 = failed test) |
info |
blob |
currently used by CVS only in determining the last check in, into the completed job |
sccs |
varchar(16) |
used to preserve the CM system used for a completed job in case the CM system is replaced |
browserlink |
blob |
used to preserve the CM browser link of a completed job in case the CM browser is replaced |
buildsize |
bigint(64) |
used to preserve the amount of disk space occupied by a completed job, averaged to determine disk usage |
port |
varchar(64) |
used to preserve the port for the CM system used for a completed build in case the CM system is replaced |
smoketest: Maybe used for semaphore operations on active smoketest deployments. Currently used to lock a smoketest machine from redeployment of an image.
Table locktest Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the testserver the smoketest image is deployed to |
title |
varchar(30) |
the title smoketest job being deployed to the testserver |
buildjob |
varchar(30) |
the title:unique_id of the job being deployed to the testserver |
buildserver: Initialized by starting the buildserver (buildserver -s port -m port -d). This port is used in association with a thread that polls the CM system for changes
Associated buildserver commands:
> nextjob
Table monitorservers Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the machine the monitor server (secondary port to the build server) is running on |
port |
int(6) |
the port number the monitor server (secondary port to the build server) is listening on |
status |
int(1) |
the current state of the buildserver (0 or 1) |
buildserver: This table is populated by the thread utilizing the monitorserver port. When a job is executing, and new changes are pending this will show up in the genweb page as a star noting that additional files require updating
Associated buildserver commands:
Table pending Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the machine the build server is running on |
title |
varchar(30) |
the title of the build job defined on the buildserver |
changes |
blob |
a pending list of files to be updated when the next build job is executed |
smoketest: Currently unused
Table polltest Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
reserved for future use |
title |
varchar(30) |
reserved for future use |
Table proctree Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the machine the build server is running on |
title |
varchar(30) |
the title of the build job defined on the buildserver |
job |
varchar(25) |
the unique id of the build job currently running on the buildserver |
cmd |
blob |
the cmd execd for the build job on the buildserver |
pid |
int(64) |
the pid for the execd command running for the build job on the buildserver |
Table removed Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the machine the buildserver is running on |
title |
varchar(30) |
the title of the build job output targeted for removal from the buildserver |
job |
varchar(25) |
the unique id of the build job output targeted for removal from the buildserver |
at |
varchar(26) |
the time in unix format when the attempted removal of the build job output from the buildserver occured |
action |
varchar(16) |
the time in unix format when the attempted removal of the build job output from the buildserver occured |
directory |
blob |
the directory name of the where build job output exists when the removal is attempted |
Table restore Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the machine the current build job is running on |
title |
varchar(30) |
the title of the build job currently running on the buildserver |
message |
varchar(255) |
a string indicating the job state of the build job currently running on the buildserver |
time |
int(15) |
time in unix time format for the start of the build job currently running on the buildserver |
state |
int(2) |
the step which corrleates with the genweb interface used to determine the color supplied as the background |
Table results Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the server that smoketests, ui tests etc. were executed on |
deployserver |
varchar(30) |
the name of the server that the install image was installed on |
title |
varchar(30) |
the title of the smoketest installation |
buildserver |
varchar(30) |
the name of the buildserver the installed job originated from |
jobname |
varchar(30) |
the name of the build job on the buildserver that created the installation |
job |
varchar(30) |
the unique ID of the build job on the buildserver that created the installation |
start |
int(15) |
the time in unix time format when the smoketest installation started |
end |
int(15) |
the time in unix time format when the smoketest installation ended |
teststatus |
int(1) |
the integer results of the smoketest (not defined currently) |
Table run Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the server that smoketests, ui tests etc. are to be executed on |
deployserver |
varchar(30) |
the name of the server that the install image will be installed on |
title |
varchar(30) |
the title of the smoketest installation |
buildserver |
varchar(30) |
the name of the buildserver the installing job originated from |
jobname |
varchar(30) |
the name of the build job on the buildserver that created the installation |
job |
varchar(30) |
the unique ID of the build job on the buildserver that created the installation |
start |
int(15) |
the time in unix time format when the smoketest installation started |
end |
int(15) |
the time in unix time format when the smoketest installation ended |
state |
int(1) |
the current state of the smoketest deployment machine (currently unused) |
message |
blob |
text message indicating the step currently executing for the smoketest installation |
dependserver |
varchar(30) |
the name of any server this smoketest server may have to wait for |
Table semaphores Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the machine the current build job is running on |
title |
varchar(30) |
the title of the build job currently running on the buildserver |
message |
varchar(255) |
a string indicating the job state of the build job currently running on the buildserver |
time |
int(15) |
time in unix time format for the start of the build job currently running on the buildserver |
state |
int(2) |
the step which corrleates with the genweb interface used to determine the color supplied as the background |
Table stage Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the server that smoketests, ui tests etc. are to be executed on |
deployserver |
varchar(30) |
the name of the server that the install image will be installed on |
imagename |
varchar(64) |
the name of the raw OS image deployed onto the smoketest server |
bootscript |
varchar(64) |
the name of the bootscript run on a freshly deployed OS image |
title |
varchar(30) |
the title of the smoketest installation |
buildserver |
varchar(30) |
the name of the buildserver the installing job originates from |
jobname |
varchar(30) |
the name of the build job on the buildserver that created the installation media |
job |
varchar(30) |
the unique ID of the build job on the buildserver that created the installation |
state |
int(1) |
the current state of the smoketest deployment machine (currently unused) |
installimage |
varchar(30) |
the name of the image to be installed onto the raw OS image |
attempt |
int(1) |
the number of attempts that may be required to get the image to be installed onto the raw OS image |
dependserver |
varchar(30) |
the name of any server this smoketest server may have to wait for |
Table subscription Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the machine the buildserver is running on |
title |
varchar(30) |
the title of the build job for which email subscription is requested |
address |
varchar(64) |
the email address which would like email notification upon completion of build job running on buildserver |
Table testconfiguration Structure:
Field |
Type |
Description |
server |
varchar(30) |
the name of the server that smoketests, ui tests etc. are to be executed on |
title |
varchar(30) |
the title of the smoketest installation |
type |
int(1) |
the type of install that is being performed as int matched with type in environment |
imagename |
varchar(64) |
the name of the raw OS image deployed onto the smoketest server |
bootscript |
varchar(64) |
the name of the bootscript run on a freshly deployed OS image |
comment |
blob |
used for the description of a smoketest job |
state |
int(1) |
used to determine whether or not the smoketest is active (0 = active, 1 = inactive) |
nextjob |
varchar(30) |
unused at this time |
spam |
int(1) |
unused at this time |
buildjob |
varchar(30) |
buildserver:title of job running on buildserver associated with this smoketest job |
deployto |
varchar(30) |
the target machine for the image to be deployed to |
platform |
varchar(30) |
the target platform for which the image is compatible (w2k, sol, linux) |
imageserver |
varchar(30) |
the server where a virtual image resides for deployment of a clean OS to the deployto box |
imagereference |
varchar(30) |
the name of a configuration file which may be used to deploy the raw OS image onto deployto |
attempts |
int(11) |
the number of attempts that may be required to get the image to be installed onto the raw OS image |
dependserver |
varchar(30) |
the name of any server the deployto server may have to wait for |